About Us

The National Bus Strategy

The National Bus Strategy created the Bus Centre of Excellence (BCoE), funded and co-sponsored by the Department for Transport, enabling the delivery of a long-term programme of activities and support to the bus sector.  In partnership with the DfT, the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) delivers the BCOE, working closely with sector stakeholders to deliver an asset that is run by the industry for the industry.

Bus Centre of Excellence
is a place for all those working within, and around, the bus sector to access resources, develop skills, grow knowledge, and build understanding to support the delivery of excellent bus services across the country.  Through our bespoke training, knowledge resources and case studies, we will help support and develop a Bus Sector that is accessible, inclusive and sustainable.

The Bus Centre of Excellence will:

  1. Deliver of an on-going programme of events and activities;

  2. Provide training managed and delivered by experts from across the bus sector;

  3. Be tailored to the differing needs of Local Transport Authority officers and elected members;

  4. Be based on evidence to ensure we understand the gaps in the sector and provide support where required;

  5. Support a peer network of senior leaders working to share experience and solutions across the private and public sectors.

Executive Team

Leon Daniels, Chair of Advisory Board

Leon Daniels, Chair of Advisory Board

Leon Daniels is an extremely experienced transport professional with both private and public sector organisations. He has international public transportation experience working in the UK, Hong Kong and the USA. He has spent the last 7 years as Managing Director of Surface Transport at Transport for London, a £3.5bn business.

At TfL, he oversaw the transport delivery for the London 2012 Olympic Games and a major capital investment programme which delivered significant improvements to the London transport system. Since retiring from TfL he has been advising world Governments and niche companies in artificial intelligence, transportation, public affairs, technology and the future.

He said: “I am delighted to have been asked to Chair the Bus Centre of Excellence Advisory Board and I will do all I can to make sure experts from the widest range of stakeholders, operators and legislators come together to use their joint expertise to drive upwards the performance and innovation in bus services nationally. The blend of our rich transport heritage and the latest technology coupled with some of the best brains in the business will help our industry deliver high-quality services efficiently and safely.”

Sue Percy, CIHT Chief Executive

Sue Percy, CIHT Chief Executive

Sue Percy is the Chief Executive Officer of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation. CIHT is a charity, learned society and membership body with 14,000 members, who are mainly engineers and transport planners, operating in the UK and internationally.

Sue has led the Institution for the last ten years over which time it has grown its membership, services and influence. Sue’s interests include improving the way transport infrastructure - including roads - is planned, funded, designed, built, managed and operated to meet societal needs, and environmental imperatives and support a strong economy. She has a deep interest in changing the image of the transport infrastructure industry and making it a more diverse and inclusive career for all.

Sue holds several voluntary Trustee and non-executive Director roles. She has worked in the built environment sector for over 30 years in allied professions, Higher Education and local government. Sue was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s birthday honours in June 2019 for services to transport.

Sharon Maddix, Deputy Director, Bus Reform, Department for Transport

Sharon Maddix is a senior civil servant in the Department for Transport. Sharon has covered a range of policy areas and transport modes in her career and is currently a Deputy Director in the Local Transport directorate, heading up the Bus Reform team, which holds policy responsibility for Bus Service Improvement Plans, Enhanced Partnerships, bus franchising and bus ticketing, among other things. Sharon is the senior DfT representative on the Bus Centre of Excellence (BCoE) Project Board. 

She is also DfT’s Senior Responsible Officer and budget holder for the BCoE project. The Department established and funded the BCoE because it wants to support the bus sector in building their capacity and capability to deliver better bus solutions, and for good practice to be shared in a new community of bus practitioners. And for all this to support our common objective to deliver better bus services for passengers, and encourage new users onto buses. 

Sharon has a particular interest in bringing new people into the sector, making it more diverse and inclusive, and bringing new perspectives and ideas that better reflect the diversity of bus users. Her favourite bus is the 52 from Victoria to Notting Hill, where Carnival takes place every year!

Meet the Team

The heart of BCoE is our team. Please get in touch for any questions you have, ideas for new events or to become a member!

Stelios Rodoulis

Head of BCoE

Harriet Awofisan

Digital Engagement

Annalucia Bellisario

Bus Policy and
Engagement Officer

Our Partners


CIHT is a respected, chartered professional body that provides transportation professionals with recognition, support and business insights through access to information, intelligence, training and qualifications that they need to accelerate their careers and influence the future of the sector.

The Bus Centre of Excellence is co-sponsored by the Department for Transport (DfT) and is implemented in collaboration with the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), which serves as the host institution.

Department for Transport

DfT works with agencies and partners to support the transport network that helps the UK’s businesses and gets people and goods travelling around the country. We plan and invest in transport infrastructure to keep the UK on the move. DfT is a ministerial department, supported by 24 agencies and public bodies..